Planning for the Holidays

Planning for the Holidays

As we turn the corner into November, we are entering into the last eight weeks of the year! I'm sure you already thinking to yourself, "how is there only two months left in 2023?" Well, we are right there with you. Not only is there little time left in the year, but the holidays are quickly approaching and there is so much to be done. In today's blog we hope to provide some easy tips to help you not only plan for the holidays, but enjoy them! 


One of the best parts of the holiday season is all the fun festivities that surround the end of the year. It may seem like budgeting would put a damper on the holiday spirit, but in reality it can give you peace of mind when you know to expect.

Take some time to sit down and really write out all the things you hope to enjoy; including activities you want to participate in and gifts you hope you to purchase for loved ones. Prioritize what is most important to your family and set aside some funds specifically for this season. Not only will this help you prepare for the next few weeks, but it will help you be excited for you have planned!

Write Down your Lists

Does it ever feel like you have a running list of to-dos that lives rent free in your head? And when the holidays approach, it only seems to double? Well you're not alone! As simple as it seems, our advice to you is to write it all down. Take 15 minutes to have a brain dump session, no matter how long your list might be! 

After you've compiled your "holiday brain dump", break your to-dos into categories organizing like things together in small, manageable lists. Finally, after you've sorted your lists assign days or weeks to each category and write them down in your planner. Sometimes we try to do too much at once and this can take the joy away from the season. So, break it down and avoid the burnout this year. 

Organize your Events

In the effort of writing things down, one of the best things you can do is to fill out your November and December monthly calendars. There are so many dinners, family gatherings, travel plans, work parties and holiday events. The best thing that you can do is write down what you already know and have a family meeting to discuss the next few weeks. Not only will this keep things organized, but it will help avoid double booking or overcommitting! 

Take Inventory 

I know it's tempting to rush out to HomeGoods or Target to get new holiday decorations or even browse online for potential Christmas gifts, but our tip to you this year is to take inventory before you shop.

Pull out your storage bins and see what you already have; are there things that are old or broken that can be replaced? Is there anything you are missing? When you take inventory of what you already have, it cannot only save you from impulse buying, but it can help you save and buy the things that matter most to you.

You can apply this same method to gift shopping! Make a list of all the friends, family, neighbors and co-workers that you would like to buy for this year and write down gift ideas that might match. This will help you not only budget better, but ensure that you don't forget anyone!


If you don't remember anything else from today's blog, remember this: enjoy the holidays. At times it can feel hectic and stressful and it may feel like you're running from one thing to another, but at the end of the day this time of year is so special and it's meant to be enjoyed! Hug your friends and love your family a little extra. 

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