7 Tips to Help you Stay Motivated

7 Tips to Help you Stay Motivated

"Either you run the day or the day runs you." - Jim Rohn

We are halfway through September and you're in the "busy season"

You've heard it said many times, "this year is just flying by!" And it's true, your days are full of work, appointments, cooking, cleaning and just simply keeping everything spinning. Some days you look up and it's already bedtime but you feel like you still have a mountain of things to get done. It's normal to be busy and it's even normal to get the end of the year "burnout" feeling, but you have goals and things to accomplish. So, as you near the end of 2023 how do you stay motivated? Well, if you are feeling stuck here are 7 tips that may just help. 

1. Focus on the end game

You are in the last 4 months of the year and you can see the finish line. Whether you are trying to make it through a busy semester at school, a big project at work or even just all the activities that come with a young family, you need something to keep you motivated. 

Well, sometimes all you need is to adjust your thinking and focus on the end game. Think about the vacation you have planned, the extra family time you are going to get around the holidays or the bonus/promotion you are working towards. 

It's amazing what you can get done when you think about where you want to be or what you have to look forward to.

    2. Set new goals (bye bye lofty resolutions)

    I'm sure you're thinking, did I read that right? "Bye bye lofty resolutions"? While you shouldn't necessarily give up on your goals that you made at the beginning of the new year, it's okay to be honest with yourself and have a little reset. 

    New year resolutions are great, but sometimes when you stop and think about it maybe they were impractical or maybe you overcommitted yourself. Ring any bells? 

    It's okay to hit the pause button and make new, obtainable goals that you know you can accomplish to finish the year out strong!

    3. Re-prioritize 


    Priorities can be tricky because sometimes they shift depending on the season of life that you are in (even when you didn't plan on it). Sometimes the things that should be priorities slip into the background while you get caught up in the noise of the daily routine. Everyone's been there, but it's okay to a take a minute and re-prioritize what's important to you.

    It's always good to have "non negotiables" in your life, it keeps things in focus and on the right track. If you are having a hard time pinpointing your priorities or your "non negotiables" it might be time to sit down and level set. A lot of times staying motivated starts at the priorities. 

    4. Change your routine

    You're probably thinking, why would I change my routine? And it's a fair question, especially if you have a good one that you have on repeat every day.  Routines are good and they keep us grounded and organized. They serve a purpose and they benefit your mental health as well as your family's well being. BUT sometimes when you get into the same routine every day you lose your reason of "why" or you start doing it out of habit rather than intention. 

    If you feel like you are just going through the motions, it may be hurting your motivation. You don't have to change your routine drastically but maybe think of small ways to improve it or change it up a bit, who knows it may be just what you need?

    5. Value family time

    This probably seems like common sense, and I hope it is! Think about the reason you are working to better yourself, it often isn't just for you. That's a part of it, but it's often much bigger than that - it's for the spouse who is in your corner cheering you on or the little people looking up to you at home. And it should be! 

    As you close out the last few months of 2023 think back on the all good from this year and the people who picked you up, encouraged you and had your back. If you are looking for that last drop of motivation to help you finish the year, take a break from what you are doing and spend some time with the people you love. A little time with family usually gives you just what you need to keep going. 

    6. Just get moving 

    Walk, walk and walk some more. If you are having a hard time fitting in a work out routine, just get moving. Movement is so good for you and it can clear your head if you've been sitting at a desk or running around all day trying to catch your breathe. 

    Take a few minutes every day to walk; it can help you collect your thoughts, reset your goals or priorities and even help you work through the "daily list". Staying motivated can be challenging at this time of the year, especially when everything and everyone is grabbing for your attention, but take the breaks anyway and you'll come back better and ready to go.

    7. Acknowledge your accomplishments

    Don't forget how far you've come and everything you've accomplished this year! Maybe you feel discouraged because you aren't getting things done fast enough or things aren't going as you planned. It's understandable, you start off the year with high expectations and optimism but the farther into the year you get, the distractions pile on and the list of to dos gets longer.

    Try to peel your eyes away from your long list of tasks and look back on the previous months and take note of all the GOOD things that have happened. Remembering the good, your accomplishments and moments of success will help you stay motivated and know that you have what it takes to put in the work and get it done. 

    It's been a great year; stay motivated and crush those goals! 

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